Chemistry and Biochemistry

Welcome! The UO Chemistry and Biochemistry program prioritizes high quality, supportive student classroom and research experiences that launch careers. Our collaborative and state-of-the-art research programs tackle real-world problems in topics ranging from life sciences to environmentally sustainable materials.

We prepare students for jobs in biotechnology, semiconductors, and many other areas in academic, industrial, and national laboratory settings. Undergraduates have exceptional opportunities to participate in research laboratories, gaining experiential learning experience and making scientific discoveries.

Chemistry and Biochemistry News

CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY - How do we solve big problems like the looming energy crisis? Undergraduate researcher Favour Foday seeks solutions to the work's most pressing problems—like antibiotic resistance in livestock to energy usage—using biochemistry and bioengineering.
In UO’s materials characterization labs, researchers are pushing the boundaries of what can be observed through a microscope. Equipped with some of the most powerful electron microscopes on the West Coast, CAMCOR is arguably the University of Oregon’s most comprehensive and cutting-edge core science facility. Funded by the Office of Research and Innovation, it was the first institute in North America to install a multi-ion source plasma-focused ion beam, which can analyze and mill materials at the nanometer level.
CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY - We are pleased to announce that Melanie Kascoutas, Willow Davis, and Keyan Li have been selected as the recipients of this year’s UO Chemistry and Biochemistry Department doctoral fellowships.

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Chemistry and Biochemistry Events

Organic/Inorganic/Materials Rotation Talks
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Rotation Talks Jan 9 Lillis Business Complex
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Rotation Talks
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Rotation Talks Jan 10 Willamette Hall
Career Tour-Bioscience & Beyond!
Career Tour-Bioscience & Beyond! Jan 24 Ford Alumni Center

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What You Can Do with a Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Studying chemistry and biochemistry develops skills in critical thinking, collaborative problem solving, and completing hands-on research. The interdisciplinary nature of our department opens opportunities for students post-graduation. Our alumni have secured careers in the following fields:

  • Atmospheric science
  • Environmental science
  • Forensic science
  • Geological science
  • Medicine and medicinal chemistry
  • Pharmacy and pharmacology
  • Neuroscience
  • Organic and inorganic industry
  • Private research labs and organizations
Biochemistry major Muhammad Khalifa

How Biochemistry Enhances Your Career

“When you get to a place like the University of Oregon, there is so much happening. It’s a large school where there is research going on. It doesn’t really matter what your discipline is. You don’t have to be interested in being a hard-science student who wants to be a doctor to start doing what you want to do now. You can get involved in research in just about every department at the UO.”

Muhammad Khalifa, Biochemistry major, '14

Our Degree Programs

We offer majors and minors in both chemistry and biochemistry. Both majors complete course work in chemistry and biochemistry along with course work in related fields. Undergraduate majors benefit from taking graduate courses in synthetic modeling, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, computational chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and modern instrumental techniques. We also offer master's and PhD programs with rich opportunities for research.

Cathy Wong Laser Lab

Learn from Experts in the Field

Research at UO is organized around broad-based interdisciplinary and interdepartmental research institutes and centers. Students work with experts at institutes devoted to materials science, molecular biology, optics, and theoretical science.

Our faculty support students in furthering these advances taking place at the boundaries between traditionally-defined disciplines.

Students in a lab looking at bottle

Get Real-World Experience

UO research institutes, fellowships, internships, symposiums, and summer research programs all offer chemistry and biochemistry students many opportunities to put learning into action. Students can also earn credits while studying internationally.

Scholarships and Funding

The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department has a wide range of scholarships and fellowships available for undergraduates.

In the graduate program, most students are offered financial assistance through teaching fellowships. Doctoral students receive support in teaching and research assistantships.

Undergraduate Scholarships Graduate Funding


Academic Support

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers extensive academic support services for students. In addition to Tykeson Hall, there are peer advisors, a tutor list, TAs, and a dedicated librarian to support students with scientific research and writing.

Faculty advisors are available to help undergraduate and graduate students navigate their degree requirements and educational explorations.

Undergraduate Advising 
Support for Graduate Students

College of Arts and Sciences Events

Graduate Writing Webinar: Every Semester Needs a Plan
Graduate Writing Webinar: Every Semester Needs a Plan Jan 9
Exploring the Dolomites Information Session
Exploring the Dolomites Information Session Jan 9
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Rotation Talks
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Rotation Talks Jan 9 Lillis Business Complex

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